New to the forum - hopefully a simple answer available.
I am considering purchasing Ozone 11 Standard but notice from their site that Cubase 12 is a compatible host - no mention of cubase 11.
Does anyone know if Cubase 11 & Ozone 11 will work together.
Thanks for help
I’m on Cubase 10.5 and Ozone 11 works perfectly.
Sorry to jump into the conversation. Do you put Ozone on the Master fader? Do you use the Master Assistant or a preset? Do you bounce down to audio before using Ozone? Apologies again.
Ozone is best used on the Master Bus. I try out the assistant to get a few ideas. I don’t find I need to bounce down to audio first as it doesn’t seem to tax my CPU at all.
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Thank you.
Thanks for your help