Cubase 11: Curves in tempo tracks?

Just saw info about the release of Cubase 11, and scrolled through the news listings.
Curves finally implemented in the midi modulation tracks - cool. Didn’t see anything about curves in the tempo track, however.
Can it be that there still is no curves possibility in the tempo tracks! :open_mouth:

Best! / Jonas

You can choose between steps or ramps in your tempo track, no curves as of yet.

Amazing! Cubase 11 missing curves for tempo tracks in 2021 is remarkable - an absolute essential feature for music with “organic” tempi!

Not tried StudioOne much, but the tempo curves seem to be so smooth and easy to use as they should be. If I can get along with Melodyne instead of Cubase Vari Audio, I might very well switch.


Any updates on this topic? Would be useful for me too

So, it’s late 2023 and another Cubase update is out.
Still no tempo curves in sight… :confused:

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I’ve never really had a need for it until very recently and, for so long, was thinking myself an idiot for not being able to find the option to do it within cubase 12 (or had I already upgraded to 13?). BUT NO! We just don’t have the option. incredible.

The closest you’ll to it is to set the grid to a small value and draw a “curve” made up of many very small steps/ramps.