Cubase 11 was running perfectly fine on Windows 11 before the newest Cubase maintenance update

Everything on Cubase working with no hiccups on Windows 11. Now every time that I close a project the program freezes and I have to use task manager. Not too big of a deal, everything else is still good.
I’m not mad because I know that they put out a notice that Cubase didn’t support Windows 11, so they must’ve knew that the new update wouldn’t work that well with it.
Just a word of caution to others that haven’t done the maintenance update yet.

I would suggest anyone who uses Cubase seriously doesn’t upgrade yet. That goes for any major update of windows until supported. Why put yourself through it?

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I am also an early adopter of Windows 11, and have not seen any problems. It might not be Windows 11 at the root of the problem.

Cubase and Windows do the same thing. Put the software out there for customers to purchase immediately. It never works as promised. Give it 6 months before you update otherwise, you are fixing their software problems for them without pay. Sad but true. I am counting my losses and buying a 32-track desk with reel-to-reel made in Germany.

It will work.

Interesting. :laughing:

Cutting your losses? I would not have thought the solution was to spend more money! lol.

Yes! Possibly for more than a couple hours before maintenance. Possibly go Swiss?

I did the same thing. Stduimaster 32 tracks plus a reel-to-reel attached. DATape. No problems and it has the analog warmth. No digital problems and rubbish software that works sometimes only.

Cheaper than all of the thousands I wasted on software and computers that always break down.

Since my answer 2 years ago I have been running on win 11 for over a year. I’ve had no problems with Cubase crashing or not shutting down properly. Most problems like that are down to plugins and not Cubase