Cubase 12 connect to fireface ufx problem

In Dorico 4 is the connect to my asio Fireface UFX USB perfect. But, in CUBASE Pro 12 the connect to the asio Fireface UFX USB doesnt work. The Pgm could not find the asio. What is wrong?

Even I could solve the problem

Under Studio, Audio connection generic low latency asio driver, and then you would find your asio hardware. The problem is, in cubase pro 12 you will get a list of some hardware, but only a restrictive choice. So the step to generic LOW LATENCY modus work correct

You shouldn’t use the generic ASIO driver if your interface has a tailored one, as RME does.
It’s not a solution, it’s a poor work-around.

But, I could not find the Right way, how to connect the RME direct to cubase 12. For a hint thank you very much.

Gesendet von Mail für Windows 10

I have he same problem - Cubase 12 and the UFX+ … there is no match yet…

Haven’t used it for real yet but initial tests ok for me. Mk1 UFX.

By “for real” I mean in paying sessions with clients. But I have run a few Cubase 11 projects and they have played back no problem, even with lots going on.

What does this mean?
Download the ASIO driver from RME’s website. Install and select in Cubase.
Why doesn’t what work for you?

With the latest Apple fixing update everything is fine….