First, the good: I haven’t had it crash yet! And the upgrade licensing worked fine. I still have my USB dongle because I own some other content packs and such that need it, though.
Also: I can run it on both my MacBook Pro (mainly for noodling on the couch) and my main workstation, so that is nice!
And it imports and plays old projects, including those using Native Instruments content/plugins, which are installed on a second hard drive, so that all works fine for me. (Windows 10 Pro.)
The bad? The menu bar text shrinks to a slightly smaller font when I click it. And after closing the main window, and then selecting “quit” in the weird Mac-style menu bar at the top, it takes an awfully long time to actually go away – probably up to half a minute. Both of these are pretty minor problems so far – who knows if they get worse or better with more use?
Note: The licensing upgrade probably because I remembered that what I really purchase is a “download code,” which has to be punched into the Steinberg activation assistant, to then get an activation code, which I can then use to download/install the program. I kind of get why – the store they’re using probably just knows how to “sell a download code,” and they need tighter integration with the licensing. But it’s still an error prone process, and there’s plenty of posts in the forums showing that it’s not as easy to someone who does this once every five years, as it is to someone who tests it every day …