Cubase 12 migration/install on Windows 11 - my experience and a few tips

I got inspired by this and decided to run a benchmark on my old and new system as well and share the results for this community:

My old system was an 8th generation Intel i7, and the new system is a 12th generation Intel i7. All other components (motherboard, RAM, SSD), etc., are the best money could buy at the time. I used Passmark PerformanceTest V10.2 to get component-level benchmark scores. The most relevant scores are CPU and disk: CPU score went up 63%, and disk score went up 222%(!).

Most importantly, latency went from ~20msec on the Cubase 11 system to ~10msec on the Cubase 12 system (with the same audio hardware/driver), so that 63% CPU performance bump translated into a 2X latency reduction.

This was the point of this upgrade for me: 20msec latency is right at the edge of perception, and ended up being a problem for some vocalists, so I wanted to get that down to 10msec, which this system upgrade did, so I’m happy!