Cubase 12 Will not startup at all

Cubase will not start up at all.
Just getting this message.

I’ve not used for a long time, Because of this…

Coming back to it again after a year or so.
As I recall accidently deleted some VST’s, Which caused the crashing.

I’m using a Mac M1 Mini.

Won’t start in safe mode, Even if I deactivate all plugins.

All options not working.



This means, Cubase is crashing.

What exactly happens, if you click OK?

Could you please try to rename/remove all Cubase versions preferences folders to get the factory settings?

I will try that tonight.


I’m not quite sure I renamed the correct folder…

It will try to load when I press Ok, But just shut down after.



Unfortunately we don’t see the full path. You can enable it in the Finder. Also it would be nice to provide real screenshots. Your photos are hard to read. But if you deleted these Cubase 11 and 12 folders, they are the right one.

So, what happened after?

That better?

I tried deleting the folders, I changed the folder name to Cubase 12_old, But It’s still the same.

I press Ok, It tries to load…Then closes.

Obviously, I think, I’m making a small mistake somewhere along the line.


Try to select “delete program preferences” also, try reinstalling Cubase.


This doesn’t make any sense. When doing this, only the defaults.xml file from the preferences is deleted. But the user already deleted all preferences.


Was Cubase quit when you did this? It has to be quit.

Do you get any DMP file? Could you attach it/them?

I’ll sort DMP file later hopefully.


Cubase 12-2025-02-06-175438.ips (28.5 KB)

Hope that helps.
