Cubase 13 bacjup

I have just recently installed Cubase 13. When it does it’s automatic backups they seem to be saving in Cubase 11 format. Any thoughts?

Hi there and welcome to the forums!

What makes you think it is a Cubase 11 format?

Hi and welcome to the forum,

Cubase has been using file type *.cpr for a very long time. The format hasn’t changed and you can open the old *.cpr projects from Cubase 11 (or Cubase 7 or even Cubase SX 3) in the current Cubase 13.

While working, Cubase is also storing *.bak (backup) files. This also hasn’t changed for a very long time.

My expectation is, that you are trying to open the *.bak file (Why? Why you don’t use the *.cpr?), but in your system, it’s set up so, that the *.bak files should open in Cubase 11. Change the setting in your system, to open the *.bak files in Cubase 13, please.

I realised it was a windows issue

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