Cubase 13 - Changing values with mouse wheel

Yes, please change this (make the preference disable ALL mouse wheel parameter moves). For me I find it’s frequently a problem in the instrument rack as well as some of the other areas.

Currently part of my workflow is that when something seems a bit off I have to go through and individually check dozens of parameters to see which one(s) got inadvertently changed by a mouse scroll.

Same. Was really hoping for it to be corrected but as it looks now, I won’t buy any updates anymore until this is resolved. Really sad.

Just bought an upgrade to Cubase 14 and this is the first thing I noticed. Steinberg, please, please make this setting optional. I’m sure a few users use this but I can’t think of any sane reason why I would ever want to fine tune faders with a blunt and inaccurate scroll wheel when I have a high DPI mouse that I can move with extreme fine precision.

Not that it helps after all these years, just wanted to +1 this feature request. The way this is designed currently is pretty terrible.

Not upgrading from 10.5 until they change/fix something I actually care about, this feature being one example.

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