The issue with finding samples in the browsing window has occurred twice, but for now, it’s okay. If it happens again, I’ll send the IPS file. There are also frequent graphical issues, such as the Mute/Solo buttons on channels freezing, the lack of a waveform volume change point directly on the WAV file, and a strange mouse pointer change when opening the sample browsing window. This only happens when I open the window using a keyboard shortcut. If I open it by clicking File->Import->Audio File, this problem doesn’t occur. I’m sending a screen recording.
Thanks for your report and sorry to hear about your crash.
When reporting crashes we would need a way to reproduce it and more context to be able to understand how to reproduce it. For now there is not much info we can extrapolate from this crash alone I’m afraid.
As @Martin.Jirsak pointed out first update to the version C13.0.30 and see whether this is still crashing. If so, then mention how so that we have a chance to reproduce it ourselves.
Really tired of catching crashes on export…
Today I ran a test:
No plugins in the project (even in control room deactivated everything)
4 Helion Sonic with sampler simple patch
4 Retrologist with synth patch
10 bars
1 audio file
Mac user.
Pretty late to the party here but I am tired of waiting for a fix on this issue.
My current work around its simply to use real time export. It’s fine for the most part but a bit of a pain if a project is a lengthy piece… I make food during.
It might help some of you and will save opening 12 Pro.
Current setup (and this also happened on my old intel 32 RAM iMac):
OS Sonoma (up to date)
Mac Studio 12 core M2 64 RAM
Cubase 13 Pro (up to date)
All Steingberg products up to date
Interface UR824
Running in silicon or rosetta 2, makes no difference
USB key (required for some things still) doesn’t like adaption to USB-C port
Very few 3rd party plugins… Waves and Fabfilter… that’s about it.
Sometimes, cancelling automation can resolve the export.
Sometimes opening a fresh project and importing tracks from project can resolve the export.
Hi @clothsnake ,
welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing your workaround.
I’ve got 2 questions:
if exporting in realtime fixes the export crashes for you: what happens if you disable AsioGuard before offline exporting? Do you see differences, when exporting with block size 1024 vs. 256?
Do you also see an error message, telling you that the file already exists? Or does Cubase just crash right away?
We were not able to reproduce the crashes on our systems here. It’s definitively a timing issue and we seem to not have the affected setup at hand
Hi, Chriss.
Fortunately, My Cubase has been behaving itself as of late soo I haven’t got a current project with this issue. I’ll have to remember which it happened on last and try disabling ASIO Guard to see if that works. I’ll get back to you unless this is something that anyone with a current offline export crash can do?
It wouldn’t occur to me to disable it as it’s a part of the system I tend to ignore anyway and usually just alter the interface buffer size to record.
I understand why you think it might be an issue though. I’m no expert on any of this stuff but I also note that a lot of people blame certain plugins for this too and that makes sense too. A track with a plugin inserted doesn’t always bounce the same twice… that is they don’t null (with phase inversion on one track) if run alongside each other. I imagine that any kind of pre-processing might be an issue there?
Does any of this make sense…? I kind of lost myself but it might be something to do with how those plugins apply themselves and subsequent offline exporting… randomness and the like.
When I did/do get a crash, and I was replacing a file, I always got the warning dialogue and the crash always happened immediately after confirming it. If the file was a newly named file, it just crashed immediately at the start of the export. If it started, it always completed.
I also appreciate that it must be frustrating for you that you can’t reproduce this crash… and there fore easily fix it.
Good luck
All the same issues here with crashing on Export and the Solo Defeat nightmares. Really hope Steinberg fix these issues soon - it’s unusable at times. Very annoying when you have work deadlines.
I have an idea how you can reproduce the crashes that keeps happening when exporting audio. I can send you a backup project where this error occurs during export. Export track after track and at some point cubase will stop and will not respond. I’m really tired of cubase 13, it’s very unfinished, so please respond because I don’t want to change DAW. Let me know what you think about it.
It still happens here with 13.0.41
3 tracks with softsynths
real time export crashes on an i9-14900K
It says CPU overload… all cores are waaaay below 100% it just pops up.
I will start blame this crap on the VST3 plugins… For real.
Also cubase is not so snappy as it was a few weeks ago. Is there a chance it might be the FORCED intel updates through Windows 11 Updates the last 10 days or so?