Cubase 13 Global Workspace

Getting strange workspace numbering on screen.
I have my first global workspace named as “MAIN” when selected it does as it should showing mixer console 1 and shows as (G1) in the arrange window however on the mixer console it shows as (G2). This gets more bizarre when I start selecting other global workspaces. The configuration is always correct but the G numbers appear to be random.

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Just noticed change a workspace and no longer get asterisk indicating a change has taken place. !!

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OK couple of days more in. Now main arrange page no longer shows current ws at the side of “Workspaces” in top menu but does on mixer page top menu.
As stated previously selected workspaces are showing correctly however the menus are all over the place.

Do you have pictures? They’ll help you understand.

OK still persisting after 13.0.20

Here you can see G1 is selected but Workspace in project menu shows G2 is selected while Workspace in mixer menu shows G3.

Anyone ? any ideas please.

I’ve just raised this issue again and hope that it’ll not be ignored by Steinberg again. :angry:

Workspace Indicator Issue

OK so now on Cubase 14. I have a global workspace “G1” which is showing as “G1*” in the top bar. if I remember correctly the “" indicated a change and I should be able to update the workspace and the "” would disappear. This is not so. After updating the workspace , which does actually happen, and switching to another global workspace whilst the correct workspace is selected in the project window the top bar still shows I am on “G1*”.
So things seem to be going backwards.

This is exactly the faulty behavior since version 13 (12 was still ok). It’s been described and reported to Steinberg several times, but unfortunately is still not fixed in version 14. :frowning_face: