Cubase 13 Hanging


im having some serious issue with cubase 13

i can be working on a project One day all working fine open it the next day
and it will not open it just hangs ive updated all my plugins but id still does this on certain project has any had this same situation and if you found a work around

any help is much appreciated


Mac Os Ventura
Orion Hd Gen 3
Motu Midi Express 128

I’ve definitely had this issue before. It was related to a plug-in that I had loaded in my session. I believe it was Overloud TH-U that caused the issue. I remember it happening to a couple other plug-ins randomly as well. I could tell because when I loaded the project in safe mode (hold down Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+Alt/Opt while you launch Cubase), I was able to track it down to that plug-in. I wish I could remember exactly the steps I took to know it was that plug-in, but I think it was guess-and-check, since I was in safe mode.

Do you have any Waves plug-ins in your session? Or Overloud plug-ins?

Edit: For clarification, the plug-in would appear to work fine when I saved the project, but when trying to open the project again, I experienced your issue.

Hi Steve

thanks for the info i do run waves plugins and i ll give that a go at removing out of the plugin folder and see if that helps i did read some where people where have issues with the waveshell ? thanks

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Hey backint - yes, you are onto something. Here’s what I recommend:

Open the Waves Central app and after it updates itself, go to settings on the bottom left and run these, highlighted in yellow (the repair is for good measure - I’m not really sure if this one is necessary):

Then lastly, delete the VST2 versions out of your plug-in folder and only use the VST3 versions. If you open Waves Central after you do that, it might say that there’s an update at the top, and try to download them again. You can ignore that, or just keep deleting the VST2 versions every time a Waves Central update reinstalls them automatically.

Reboot, give it a whirl and lets see what happens.

Hi Steve

thanks for the futher info i ll give that a go

Cheers P

Hi steve

i gave that a go but unfortunately still the same issue still hanging on this one project

Thanks for your help

@backint, any updates? Did you run the project in safe mode yet?

Hi Steve

there are 3 songsthat im having a issues with, all where started with older versions of cubase , i think i tracked it down to NI battery was causing the problem , I removed battery from the vst folder all loaded ok.

that did take quile a few hours over the weekend figure that out

but on the flip side if i load a fresh page of cubase 13 battery works fine

must be some old code somewhere that the older project files do not like

i did speak to steinberge end of last week ,i was not aware that they where no longer supporting vst 2 so ive updated all the plugins and removed them as well

Cheers P