Cubase 13 is great, but the look changed for the worse

Same here. Started using it this year as a subscription from splice. Without splice I wouldn’t have been able to get it. So right direction. But direct from Cubase with Absolute 6 and the insane quality of their instruments included. They’re that good they’re like Pokemon…I need to have them all. That I would Subscribe to in a second.

Hello everyone!

We appreciate your feedback shared in this thread about the graphical redesign of Cubase 13’s user interface. Your input is very valuable to us, and we’ve prioritized the issues most prominently mentioned for further consideration. Subsequently, we’ve also conducted in-depth feedback interviews to better understand your feedback.

For example, reducing the brightness of white fonts and improving the intensity of background colors in various areas of the application, like empty insert/send slots.

We’ll use your feedback to direct our efforts and prioritize for the upcoming versions. Please note that this may not be the next released update, as we have that reserved for fixes of a more urgent nature.

Once again, thank you all, and we’ll keep you informed.

Best regards,


Thanks for the reply but this is an urgent nature. Some of us with visual accessibility issues can not use the new Cubase/Nuendo that we purchased. I would hope that this is considered an urgent nature unless the Visual Disabled are not considered important.


Thank you for responding to this topic. Good luck with this effort.

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Appreciate your engagement here @Markus_Staudt .


And please bring back the tempo tap calculator, why taking away such essential tool? :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:


I am sure your concern is heard, and as someone with accessibility needs in non-visual domains, I understand something of the frustration these issues are causing. However, I believe that @Markus_Staudt is not arguing against the importance of sorting these issues for the benefit of the entire user community, especially those with visual access needs. Instead, he points out that Steinberg might make a first maintenance update to fix some high-priority bugs before the careful design and implementation work needed to fix the visual issues properly can be brought to fruition. After all, there is more than one developer working on Cubase / Nuendo, and not everyone will be working on user interface issues. The important thing is to get as quickly as possible to the point where relevant staff members can dedicate the time needed to make good decisions about fixing the user interface issues that have arisen. We need to trust Steinberg over this one; what might appear from the outside to be a lack of priority on restoring accessibility by shipping the first maintenance update with no visual changes might actually be the best way to get a properly thought-out fix shipped for everyone’s benefit.

Though it is an imperfect interim solution, anyone with a Cubase or Nuendo 13 license can install and use version 12.0.70. Early public releases of a new major version do not always work out for everyone, and sometimes it is necessary to step back to a previous version temporarily.


The new and slicker looks for both Cubase and Nuendo also improved performance, I do hope that the interface doesn’t go back to he previous one.


It’s not about “passed through the beta testers.”

Beta testers test for issues and bugs. In the case of a mix console GUI, everyone has subjective opinions, and those opinions are forwarded to the appropriate development team. They are watching.

Even if it is a verifiable bug. Beta testing can only verify and report the bug.

My subjective opinion reflect a lot that has already been mentioned.

I think there will be gradual mix console improvements, especially because of 470 replies so far, while keeping in mind forum participation is maybe 1% of all users. Sometimes GUI acclimation over time plays a role, however other times it may visually be impossible. Patience in this area I think is important.

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The interesting thing about some of the comments here is that some people are discussing aesthetics and others are discussing accessibility and usability.

I do think v13 looks a bit slicker as well. I also realize it’s harder to read for some. This idea of reduced readability can be tested. If turns out it is harder to read for many people, then it’s in Steinberg’s best interest to address this issue despite v13 looking “slicker”.


The new tap tempo feature next to the transport does exactly the same thing.


I’ll be interested to find out what issues are of a higher priority than making the UI more accessible (i.e. Workable) for those of us with visual impairments?

As far as I can judge from the forum posts this seems to be one of the least problem-free major releases of Cubase. Cetainly has been for me - one solitary crash since installation, and that was due to me pratting around with the new IR library feature on Guitar Rig 7 :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I don’t like tapping on the mouse and when holding shift and tapping on the spacebar, it writes the tempo into Cubase already and I don’t want it to change the tempo of my project just for checking a tempo of something else. Is there a way around it you’re familiar with?

A lot depends on the monitor resolution. It looks a lot crisper on my 4K monitor than on my 2K monitor, where the fonts look crushed and letter scaling is out of whack. That needs to be fixed.

Also, I’m one of those who feel the bold font choice for, eg, track names is a mistake - bold fonts are for emphasis in contrast to regular fonts, not for such apparently careless use.

Lastly, discarding the characterful typeface on, for example, the Mute and Solo buttons seems a joyless, utilitarian move to me.


Like you we’re having no significant problems with the latest release, but if you look around the forum there are a few threads documenting crashes in specific circumstances, along with a long thread on the subject of graphic anomalies.
The graphics issue was highlighted as a priority by Steinberg when they released V13, so I suspect they’ll be addressing this along with some of the crash issues as quickly as they can to get the next maintenance update out the door.
Changing the UI is not something that’s going to happen on the fly. It will take some re-design, review and re-coding, possibly with a staged rollout of the changes over a period of time.
I’m not saying it’s going to take ages, my point is that Steinberg will not want to delay the first bug-fix update to accommodate something that has a longer timeline.

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thank u for reply but can u confirm next maintenance update ? or did u mean 14,15 ?

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Guy_Rowland pointed out some incredibly big (I think) regressions in the usability of the Cubase 13 UI.

Not knowing which items are focused, or selected versus not focused, and not selected (this track is selected) is a huge setback.


“Lastly, discarding the characterful typeface on, for example, the Mute and Solo buttons seems a joyless, utilitarian move to me.”

I always recommend to designers that you should first make the design stable. Once that’s in order, then work on the emotional qualities of the design. Steinberg’s design is currently not stable as a system. Hopefully they’ll get tasteful typefaces in the future.

In some other thread somewhere, I mention how Ableton invested in their own custom typeface for their software. Additionally, it’s recommended nowadays that UIs use something called variable fonts: fonts with many weights and widths.

Steinberg should consider doing the same at some point.


Please just bring back the futuristic looking blob from the inspector panel…I luv it :face_holding_back_tears:

Readability issues aside (like the white text not switching to black on highlight), which I agree should be addressed, I think it looks great! It’s the gradients, the borders, the embossed areas, they make things so busy when glancing across loads of tracks and lessens the experience.

For me, scanning across the MixConsole is a joy, and I look forward to spending time there now. I also feel as though the more spartan presentation has allowed them to really pack in functionality in the new channel strip, such that I don’t usually need the inspector anymore when I’m not tweaking details. So with just the strip visible, scanning across my template, I just can’t stop looking at it, it’s so visibly pleasing! I think they really knocked it out of the park with the refresh.