Cubase 13 is unstable

That’s unfortunate because there are some nice features but compared to version 11 which was very stable, in this one I see this message quite often (every few days):

Then when restarting Cubase:

This is not related to any specific plugin, I haven’t changed anything, just upgraded from V11 to V13…

Hope this will be fixed in upcoming versions

Windows 10, C13 user here. No such problems. On PC, Cubase 13 runs great.

Any crash files you can post here?

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Thanks for your reply, that’s very interesting, because the only thing I’ve changed was to upgrade Cubase.

I can post a dump file, question is if it’s helpful to post? Since it all seems very random, just general instability especially when CPU is straining

Do you run heavy projects as well? It never happens on light projects

Without seeing them who knows if it will be helpful…but it’s certainly not helpful not to post it/them…or at least to send to support.

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If I were you, I would. There are people here who can analyze them and maybe give you a solution.

Yeah, I’m running some very heavy projects, my staccato strings consist of about seven or eight libraries running together.

My sustained strings consist of 5 libraries and they are all heavy.

Sometimes I even duplicate these tracks.

In addition, I run full brass, some very heavy legato horns. I am also running percussions and some woodwinds, with plugins, using some Soothe 2, stageone 2, EQs, Sugar, and some compression, plus some light mastering stuff on the main out bus and the performance bar is taking it all on its stride.

All in all, a good 140 channels with hybrid stuff, sometimes 200+ depending on the project.

I do have 256 GB RAM though, and 18 cores (which is hardly unusual nowadays).

Dunno, I’m pretty happy with the performance, just wondering if something else is going on that could be helped.

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Wow that’s amazing!!
I’m jealous of your setup

Anyway, apologies for not doing this earlier, here’s the link to the crash file:

Thanks a lot

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Hey, cheers, I had to get something that would help me with my work, necessary to get as best set up as I can.

Cool, I hope someone can read the report and give you a hand with your issue.

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I’m not capable of reading anything but the basics but this crash was certainly caused by your Kush plugin - Omega 458A.vst3

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it says access violation.

Is there a vst plugin called Omega in your project? that would be the reason for the crash. I see you run Cubase 13.0.40 - try to update to the latest version 13.0.51 and update your plugin

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Grim and glennloopez, thanks a lot for your help!

Yes, there are instances of Omega in this project, that’s very interesting as I bought the plugin about a month ago, and it’s activated through iLok.

I’m sorry to bother you but I just remembered there was another crash later that day (in the same project), would it be alright for you to take a quick look?

It’s here: Dropbox

If it’s again this Omega plugin it increases the chances that something’s wrong with the plugin, and it’s not some random trigger on each crash

Thanks so much in advance!
And I’ll update my Cubase to the latest version

just a fyi you can upload the dmp files directly here, easier for us to take a look :slight_smile:

yes it is the same, Omega is logged as the crash.

Update your ilok software too :smiley:


Thanks a lot glennloopez!

Yes I’ll update everything and if it persists I’ll contact Kush Audio hopefully they can look into it

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