Cubase 13 - midi editor visibility - how to prevent timeline moving when selecting different track

@Martin.Jirsak The problem with the multipart editor feature is that as soon as you tick a track in the visibility area, it gets activated. I consider this to be a side effect of the operation and don’t want Cubase doing it for me. For example, if you checkmark a folder with tracks to bring them all into the editor, it is the last track in that folder that is going to be activated. It doesn’t make much sense tbh. What if I wanted the first one or the second? Say I’m editing a violin part and want to bring all the parts of my Woodwinds folder into the editor. The Woodwinds folder has a bunch of subfolders with tracks per instrument (legato, longs, shorts, etc.) By ticking the Woodwinds folder all the tracks get visible (ok) and the very last Contrabassoon one gets active for editing (not ok). Why would one want such a behavior? I want to keep editing my violin part. I don’t want the timeline scroll anywhere…

The visibility checkmarks should not deactivate the part I’m on and scroll the timeline to another place. When I’m composing, often I want to audition the part I’m working on and a few other tracks/parts together by bringing them into the editor and utilising the Solo Editor function. I do not intend editing the other parts at this moment so I don’t want Cubase messing with the timeline position, zoom and the part active state. Having to get back to the state I was in by pressing Fs and reactivating my part Cubase has stolen focus from takes time and slows you down. Not an efficient workflow.

This behavior of making parts of a track visible and active at the same time makes sense for the exclusive option only when you holddown Shift while ticking tracks.

Hope it’ll be taken into consideration in future updates.


Thanks @Al3x , you have illustrated the exact same problem, i.e. Cubase messing around with the timeline by activating the last track checked. I might also add that when you uncheck certain tracks, the timeline jumps around as well - very disorientating, and NO WAY to know in advance where it jump to, UNLESS you consciously plan ahead the sequence of which track to uncheck so that your timeline ended at exactly you where wanted. A big workflow killer, you want to activate and deactivate tracks on the fly when auditioning without having to consciously plan the sequence of checking/unchecking. To be really honest, the current default setting felt like Steinberg just merging a few existing functions together without thinking of workflow, hence you have a byproduct of timeline jumping by the last activated track. Did any beta testing uncover this at all? @Martin.Jirsak sincerely hope that this unintended effect is corrected by deactivating Cubase making decision for user by jumping timeline.


Count me as a user who wants to see this fixed. I cannot (and will not) use Cubase until this is done as it’s SO DISRUPTIVE to a natural workflow.

Thanks to those who have made the effort to explain the importance of this to the moderator.

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Yes, please fix this. It’s frustrating.


No news on this subject apparently… makes me sad. I wish software designers would spend a little time trying to use the new features they develop. In this case, it seems to have been inspired by Studio One and probably implemented merely to check off a marketing request.

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I feel that if Cubase had, say, 3 FOCUS SELECTION boxes in the editor, such that the user could pick a focus area for each one (about “x” bars long for each… adjustable?)
and then whichever FOCUS AREA is selected, the editor always stays within that are no matter what is selected or desdelected, this would be a good solution. Also have an option to turn this feature off, of course.

Ideally, it should look something like this:

No screen position movement, no Key Editor/Piano Roll window re-opening.
Because it’s convenient. But more importantly, it’s fast. And time is the most valuable resource, especially today.


I am no workflow expert, but what you’ve shown is how a common sense approach for most people when designing and using a multi-track selection function. I see it in Studio One as well. No conscious pre-planning required of the order of tracks to select or de-select and no double Fs to get back to where you are after you select/deselect in the wrong order. You want to be fast and stay in the zone when doing orchestration or multi track editing.

For Cubase, the current manic timeline jumping is either (a) an unintended consequences/oversight of simply merging a few existing functions together at the expense of workfow (b) this is an intended feature wanted by a tiny minority of users who for some reason not known to me, like their timeline to jump around based on selection at a not well-explained rule. I am thinking it is most likely (a) - if it is, Steinberg, I sincerely hope you will rectify this.
For those of you who are affected, please upvote this to get it fixed.


Yet another bug with this feature. Clicking on a folder’s disclosure triangle in the Visibility zone unintentionally selects other tracks/folders if the vertical scroll position of your entire track list is changed at this moment.

Track selection was made to be on mouse down (which is ok for selecting multiple tracks with one mouse stroke) but the possible change of the tracklist scroll position should be taken into account so as not to misselect anything. Can’t believe things like this were not tested properly. The purpose of this multi-part editing feature is to be able to work with lots of tracks (ones that would need to be scrolled) with deep hierarchy and what we’ve got is these annoying bugs and workflow killers :confused:

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Yes this is very frustrating. The F workaround works as a cumbersome remedy, but any screen jump when editing and switching from track to track while in the key editor should be rectified, please.


the O.P.'s originally described problem is super-frustrating. I think the behavior is the same and gas not been addressed or changed. It makes working on orchestral music difficult because, like the OP, if I don’t want the timeline/view jumping around when I checkmark a new track in the visibility sidebar.

With five or six notes in a stacked chord across multiple instrument at measure 33 and I checkmark the next instrument above, I want the timeline curser and view to stay where it is, not move. Really counterintuitive.


Good lord yes, please remedy this. My ADHD-addled brain already has a hard enough time keeping track of everything in a big session, and when things starts jumping around arbitrarily and I have to get my bearings, it’s a real productivity killer.

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