I often encountered Cubase crashed during recording midi notes.
It’s been a while since Cubase 12 pro to 13 pro.
(both in Intel MacBook Pro & Mac Studio M2 ultra)
The system hadn’t been overloaded, however it always happened only when several midi tracks working together. Occurs more often when recording CSS,CSW,CSB samples library using Kontakt 7.
I didn’t use much plugins, sometimes there is only one reverb on the summing track.
I wonder if I did something wrong to cause this to happen.
My setup now:
Mac Studio M2 Ultra/128GB RAM
OSX Ventura 13.6.6
Cubase 13 Pro 13.0.30(Rosetta Mode)
Working type:
film scoring, midi mock-up
(3rd party plugins: Kontakt 7, SINE player, Pianoteq 8)
(Reverb: Liquidsonics Seventh Heaven professional)
(all the plugins have been updated to the latest version)
Crash logs below [1]:
Cubase 13-2024-04-05-225439.ips (702.3 KB)
Cubase 13-2024-04-06-222636.ips (863.8 KB)
Thank you all in advance for your responses!
by James
Recently I observed that the crash occurred more often when recording and undo then recording.
(I guess) This seems to be related to a large number of “undos” then “re-recordings”. (midi recording)
Updated 4/26/2024:
Recently, Cubase 13 pro crashed with only one instrument track.
(Kontakt- loaded with Cineharps)
It happened while opening the editor window and pressing the record button. Then it shut down.
This seems to be the same type as the previous Crash.
(Cubase shut down and closed the window without notice and freeze.)
Do you record in the Project window or in the Key Editor?
What kind of MIDI Recording Mode do you use, please?
Could you try in the Cubase Safe Start Mode [Disable preferences], please?
Hi Martin,
1_Most of the time I used the Project window to record. However, crashes occurred in both Key Editor and Project window. (Project window more often)
2_I used [Punch In/Out Mode] [Start at Cursor] [Merge] type in midi recording. (Cycle recording is rarely used)
3_I will try [Cubase Safe Start Mode] in the recent projects for a while.
If there are any improvements, I will leave a comment below.
Thank you for your help!!
Hi Martin,
After a few days of work, Cubase will still crash using [Cubase Safe Start Mode][Disable Preferences].
In addition, I found that not only Kontakt can cause crash problems, but other sample manufacturers can also.
(I used Modartt Pianoteq 8, and it also caused crash.)
The crashes often occurred while I “quickly” punching out after keying midi notes. Cubase will suddenly disappeared without backup.
I hope this information will be helpful for Cubase’s next version update.
Thank you for your help!!
Thank you for the details.
Do you have any dmp file, you know it happened after the quick Punch Out?
Hi Martin,
I uploaded a Zip archive containing 19 dmp(.diag) files from this week.
Almost all the crashes occurred during the punch out process.
(some happened during the recording)
Thank you!
Cubase_dmp_byJames_20240505.zip (146.7 KB)
I’m sorry, we need the *.ips file(s) to be able work with it. Could you attach the *.ips files, please?
Hi Martin,
I uploaded a Zip archive containing 6 (.ips) files from last month.
( I couldn’t find recent .ips files, so I re-uploaded previous crash logs.)
The crash logs were all generated during midi recording & punching out.
Hope these files will be helpful!
Thank you!
CrashLogs_ipsfile_byJames_20240506.zip (129.2 KB)
Reported to Steinberg. Thank you.
All the crashes are in the same area. And the same, as before.
Hi, Martin!
The file down below is the NEW file with new crash logs generated recently:
CrashLogs_new_byJames_20240506.zip (219.5 KB)
Thank you again for your assistance!!!
Update 5/17/2024:
Crashes still happen frequently.
A new discovery is that this occurs more frequently when the recorded phrases are longer. If long phrases are cut into short segments for recording, the number of crashes will be relatively reduced. (but not every time.)
Update 6/8/2024:
I deleted all the key commands & Preferences, then used safe mode to delete all the old setting. However, it didn’t work, kontakt still causes Cubase to crash when quickly stopping recording in a new project.
(While recording Cinematic Studio Strings)
(Already got all the plugins & cubase updates)
I wonder if the problem is caused by a “period”( “.” ) in the name of my host hard drive or my external hard drive (Sandisk E81 4TB).
System still in OSX Ventura 13.6.6. (Mac Studio M2 ultra)
Thank you for the update.
How is the drive formated, please?
Btw, could you try to update to the latest Cubase 13.0.40, please?
Hi, Martin!
Both my computer and hard drive use APFS format.
I have updated to version 13.0.40 since the day released, but it still happens.
Thank you again for your assistance!!!
All the reports are from 13.0.30.