I wanna edit a audiofile, for example for a hook, want to cut out something and double it and add it to some other place for example.
The cutting out is a pain and so is the adding because i can only add the track within a “roster” sort of thing but cant do the precise milimeter work, if you get what i mean.
For example : I cropped out this lower track and want to move it to the point where the arrow is pointing. The daw only lets me move it to the spots wich are marked with the red X so either to 24 or 25.
It has been the same for cutting btw. ! I think it should be possible to do precise crops / cuts and be able to move the tracks precise to the spot you want them or ? Sure this is a setting, anyone has an idea ?
I searched at youtube, here and google but i cant find any , so any help welcome!