Is it possible to have multi-bar rests shown in the normal (not Page) mode of the score editor, or in the lower zone of Cubase 13? I made it work only in Page mode of Score Editor.
Is it possible to have multi-bar rests shown in the normal (not Page) mode of the score editor, or in the lower zone of Cubase 13? I made it work only in Page mode of Score Editor.
You can do this by changing the option in the Layout Settings
This applies to the Page View and Fill View modes. However, also there are two types of Layout in the new Score Editor: Full Score and Part. The Full Score layout is for creating a conductor-type score with all instruments, and doesn’t use multi-bar rests by default. The Part layout is intended for individual players and does show multi-bar rests by default.
Thank you! Is this for 13 or 14? I am currently not in front of my Cubase computer, but it seems like your screenshots are from 14 and I was asking for 13 Pro, or am I wrong?
Ah sorry, I missed that. I thought you were asking how to get the option from C13 in C14.
Hi @krisbg
No, Multi-Bar Rests are displayed in Page Mode only.