Cubase 13 Pro: Program freezes when I try to add a track

Hello. Using Cubase Pro 13, I am unable to add a new track when I select “Instrument” then select “Groove Agent 5.” Cubase simply freezes, all buttons are dimmed and inoperable, and I have no option of which I’m aware (including my attempts to minimize the Cubase window). The same problem does not occur if I attempt to add, for example, a new Halion track. Can you suggest where to start in resolving this problem? Thank you. Bob

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Hi Bob,

let´s start here: Please check in Steinberg´s Activation Manager (separate app) if you have got a valid license for GA 5 and if it is activated.

Yes, I have a valid license for Groove Agent 5 and it is activated. Two possibly important factors I failed to mention in my original note are (1) when I select “Instrument” then “Drums” I am presented with two options: “Groove Agent” and “Groove Agent SE” and I have no problem adding tracks for Groove Agent SE, yet (2) in Activation Manager, there is only one license (Groove Agent 5). There is no license shown for Groove Agent 5 SE. That may be because it was included without charge when I purchased an earlier version of Cubase like maybe Cubase 8 or 10. Bob