Cubase 13 Pro "Serious graphic error" - GROOOAAN!

Cubase 13 Pro on Win 11. Nvidea graphics card.

I’m getting this stupid error message and having to save my work under a new filename. It seems to crop up with certain instruments and not others. Unfortunately, they all seem to occur in Halion 7 which I recently purchased.

Let me illustrate. These are the messages I get:

I’ve tried a few different remedies such as running Cubase as an administrator but none have worked. Is this a known bug?

These are the kinds of interfaces it happens with, with the elements that trigger the error ringed in red:

Any kind soul got some suggestions?

Thank you

This is not necessary – doesn’t fix anything.

Do a forum search for Nvidea drivers…

I’ve already done this without results.

What am I supposed to find, exactly?

The screenshot shows a path and name of a dmp file. Please upload that here.

OK here it is…
Cubase 13.0.41 64bit2024.7.24 (2.2 MB)

Sorry Steve, tried to post saying I’d give it a go and then deleted it because I thought I hadn’t hit “reply”.

I’ve downloaded the right driver and will have a go at the replacement process tomorrow.

A couple of questions first though. I’ve not messed around with graphics cards or drivers before. Is there any danger of this process messing up the PC so that I can’t roll things back because the screen is blank, or something like that? And once I’ve done it, will Nvidea automatically try and download Game Ready drivers again or will it detect what I now have?


Not really

I don’t see that happening on my system

OK, just getting ready to do this. Under the “Driver” tab it says “Uninstall device”. Is this the correct choice? I know this is an option under “Driver”, so it should just uninstall the driver. But I’m not about to inadvertently uninstall the whole graphics card, am I?

Ok, the crash happens in the HALion 7 plugin, as the error message dialog says. The stack trace shows an error in “user32.dll” and there it calls a function that has to do with Window processing.


So as @steve says you need to update or change the drivers for your NVidia graphics card. But do not simply remove the driver on the Properties tab, instead download the latest driver package (as far as I know the Studio drivers are the one you need) and install it via that package. That will overwrite the existing driver.

Ah that’s good to know. Thank you. I was dreading uninstalling the very thing that allows the computer to show things.

OK, I’ve installed the studio driver now - just directly over the old one - and the “serious graphics error” persists in Cubase still.

The Nvidia control panel offers the choice between Studio and Game Ready but it seems that Game Ready would have to be installed, were I to want that (which I don’t). I’m wondering if there might be some other settings I need?


Steinberg got in touch and asked me to do a “clean reinstall” of the drivers. I did (as best I could using the GeForce Experience interface) and found that didn’t help either.

I’ve now been asked to send Steinberg a load of crash dump files and system info, so I will report back when they’ve had a chance to review those.

Thanks :wink:

Hi Jon_D, if that does not help, i want to ask you if you checked the settings in Windows.
Do not use transparant in Windows, that wil give you more vid memory space to rebuild the screen.
hope that will solve it, if it was not allready.
So that setting you can find in the personal settings where you can set the Windows Colors.
Transparant effects > OFF

Thank you. I turned off transparent but that hasn’t made any difference.

I understand it may be some time before Steinberg have done what they need to do.

I’m wondering how many others out there are finding this. It’s pretty much universally with Halion 7 which, given that it’s the flagship VST instrument for Steinberg makes me wonder why it hasn’t been resolved already. I guess it’s just that Cubase is huge and complex so some things will occasionally go wrong with it.

I am sorry to see that it was not solved jet.

Offcourse, we can check some things in Windows to, if you can do that here, if your problem get solved, depends on differend factors.

So, while you are waiting for a solution, and can not use Cubase properly, maby we can compare some things, because here in Windows 11 Cubase 13 is working Stable, but there was a crash some times by exit.

So i was reading on the forum, and see that the tech staff was realy bussy by the many dump files, that can occur in different systems.

So, i am using Windows 11 to, but for my screen i am using the motherboard video.
So the combination, with your monitor, because if Cubase crash in the driver section together with an error in the NVIDIA video card, if it is a real hardware problem, what coul’d be, we can check in Windows advanced.

I can not do a long story about the kernel, processor and RAM, but in this proces you can use some Windows Tools to make a diagnose.

Because if Cubase crash because of an other object then Steinberg, then Steinberg is depending on more then only Steinberg.

So in Windows open This PC.
Navigate to:
as administrator

P.S. disconnect USB drives and stick before you make a diagnose.

Hi Erik,

Finally able to do this and this was the result:

It looks to be the same as your setup, if I’ve done it correctly?

Steinberg have tried numerous things to do with .NET FRamework and x86 & x64 Visual C++ Redistributable Packages - none of which I understand at all and none of which have produced any change.

Anyway, this is my screenshot…

Hi Jon, that means that you made a diagnose, and that diagnose gives info via the colors green and red.
So, if you see red dots in your diagnose, then that are the points where the system show you problems.

Offcourse because of the NVIDIA crash, and indeed, the C# language works under .NET Framework from Microsoft.

If you look at programs like Microsoft Visual Studio, for programmers who use software from Microsoft, then you understand that this software is written to be installed in Windows, and that is a .NET Framework in this environment

Offcourse we are not gonna talk if we are developers, so Steinberg can be a part of the problem, but you have to be sure, if your NVIDIA give the message that the crash is an Unrecoverable error.

I can give you some advise, but i do not know how you are doing a computer.
So, what you can do is remove the NVIDIA card from the motherboard, before that, check if your computer have VIDEO ON BOARD, just like the motherboard have sound, the quality is not so high, but if you can remove the NVIDIA and try Cubase out via the onboard video from the mothterboard, if then Cubase crash, and there is no other crash message, then you can set those 2 crashes apart.

There is a change that 2 problems occurs at the same time, and then you have this problem in Cubase to.

So, i hope you can do something, do you know how the BIOS/UEFI works on a computer?
I have another soundcard in my computer and in the BIOS/UEFI i have the onboard soundcard from the MOBO at disable

Just ask if you do not trust something, then we can check this step for step.

Did you see red dots in your diagose?
And in what part you see red dots, if everything is green, then you have a 100% clean diagnose.
That can be weird if we see this error messages, but this is the start to check some things.
Good luck.

just 1 short question, is your Windows system an upgrade or a clean installation?

It’s a clean installation from when the machine was built (about three years ago).