Cubase 13 PRO won't start, can't open a support ticket

From one they to another my cubase won’t start. On the loading screen when it gets to: Initialising ARA Service scanning plugins, gives the following message: One of the files this plugin needs cannot be found, please reinstall or contact technical support for assistance.
I reinstalled cubase, spectral layers, uninstalled melodyne bust still getting the error…
No idea how to start cubase and can’t open a ticket support as I’m going on the links to open one it just goes round and round…
Anybody had similar issues?

Hi and welcome to the forum,

Are you on Mac or Windows, please?

If you are on Windows, I would recommend to install Cubase and all ARA components (is it possible, you have another one) as adminsitrator, to make sure all components have all needed permissions.

Is Melodyne activated/registered properly?