Cubase 13 - Solo and Exclusive solo behaviour is broken?

It is for me in the mixer, but it still appears to be a issue in the arrange view.


In which scenario exactly is the Exclusive Solo not fixed, please?


What kind of tracks exactly do you use, please? Do you use an Audio tracks or an Instrument tracks? If it’s Instrument tracks, do you use multi-outs or other MIDI Tracks routed into the Instrument track, please?

I use all the above, though I don’t often use MIDI tracks routed to instrument tracks.

I’m using 13.0.30 and I’ve just tested again with two different projects. A project created in 13.0.21 doesn’t allow exclusive solo in either project or mix console. A project created in 13.0.30 doesn’t allow exclusive solo with folder tracks, but appears to work OK apart from that.

Man, THANK YOU !!!


This didn’t work in Cubase 12 either. So it’s more a feature request.

Reported to Steinberg. Thank you.

Drove me crazy not to be able to select multiple tracks and solo them all with the hotkey I was used to. Always went to Solo Defeat and I also lost the selection, which was annoying. Just created a quick logical editor preset and assigned that to a hotkey to toggle solo selected tracks, which helped. Leaving it here if it helps for anyone.

Hi, I’m not sure if this is the same issue or a related one, but I’m setting up the the MIDI remote and if I map a button to Selected track solo, and neither solo or mute are selected it solos the track, so far so good, If I then select the solo button again this sets solo off mute on. I have not asked the track to be muted I just want the track NOT to be solo’d. I understand that if the track was solo’d and you selected the mute command that the states are mutually exclusive, but switching both off should be ok surely?


If you Solo track A, all other tracks become Muted. So if you had other track Soloed and you Unsolo your track, the track becomes Muted.

This is an expected behaviour.

What I don’t understand is why Solo defeated tracks need to be cleared of solo defeat before being able to be soloed.