Cubase 13 suddenly cant see the Yamaha USB but other DAW's Can?

Windows 11 23H2
Cubase Pro 13.o.41 Build 265
Steinberg UR22c
Yamaha Steinberg USB Driver V2.1.7

I am having an issue where Cubase is unable to see the Yamaha Steinberg USB Driver.
It does not show in Audio Connections Inputs or Outputs.
It does not show in Studio Setup.

The only device that Cubase sees is an ASIO4ALL driver which I never use.

This problem is Cubase specific, my Pro Tools setup see’s and uses it, so does Sound Forge, so soes my standalone Soft Synths, and so does windows.

Cubase was working perfectly last night.

I have tried the obvious fixes.

I ejected the UR22c, uninstalled the Yamaha Steinberg USB Driver.
Rebooted my machine and reinstalled the latest driver from Steinbergs website.

This did not cure the issue.

Next I opened windows 11 Control Panel > Sound > Playback tab and the UR22c is the default playback device.
The same in the Recording tab.

So this issue is ONLY a Cubase 13 issue.

I had a session booked this afternoon and I have had to cancel it so as I hope you will understand, both my client and myself are Pi**ed off that Steinberg have still not fixed Cubase.

Windows is only showing the Windows audio devices. Since Cubase uses ASIO, which is independent of the Windows system, the Windows control panel is of no help for trouble shooting.

Just to make sure - this is where you should click to change the ASIO driver. No Yamaha Steinberg USB ASIO there?

Did you find a solution? Same here, the RME is gone. All media is using it, Cubase doesn’t show it…

Did you just update Windows to 24H2? People who have done that reported that they had to install the RME ASIO driver again after the update (or upgrade as Microsoft officially calls it).

yeah, Mediaplayers still worked, that’s why I probably didn’t even realised it.
Reinstalled the driver, cubase works again.
Thank you very much!

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