Cubase 14.0.10 Export Audio 'overwrite' isn't!

Export Audio panel set to ‘Always Overwrite’, but instead the export is adding 1 to my mix number! ‘Alchemy 2025.flac’ becomes ‘Alchemy 2026.flac’ as a new file.


Could you please attach a screenshot of the Export Audio Mixdown window?

Maybe you have Auto Update Name checked? (Click on the down-arrow of the file Name text box)

That’s it! ‘Auto Update Name’ was switched on. Thank you both.

Still seems odd to have a parameter that tells Cubase to overwite the previous file, yet another parameter that contradicts it…

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Well, it doesn’t actually instructs it to overwrite the previous file. It instructs it to overwrite whichever file has the same name as the current one we want to mixDown to. It’s just for conflicts…