As the Analog Lab appeared and as there is another user reporting crash with an Artirua plug-in here, I would guess, the crash comes from Arturia and you should get in touch with their support.
I said I had uninstalled the analog lab 4 and I still have the same issue.
The analog lab 4 crash dump file was already here before I got this scanning issue.
The Cubase dump file doesn’t mention any analog lab or Arturia plugins.
Based on that, I think it’s not related to Arturia. Pls focus on this issue.
In the meantime, could you pls give a workaround to enable the VST2? In the initialization phase, the plugins can be scanned correctly. So as long as I don’t scan it manually it won’t be an issue. But this issue are prevent me enabling VST2 because it will do an auto-scanning when I enable it.
You can remove all VST2 plug-ins from the scanned folder. Then you can start Cubase and enable VST2 scanning. Then you can put the plug-in (one by one, or use the binary search method) back and re-scan, to see, which plug-in makes Cubase crash.