Cubase 14 crash when scanning VST

Hey, I bought cubase 14 Artist yesterday. But everytime when I click the scanning button in the VST plugins tab, it will crash.

It’s the first time to install cubase on this PC, my OS is win11.

I do want to upload the crash dump file but it overseed 100MB-. This forum only allow me to upload file less then 4MB.

any idea to upload these files?

Hi and welcome to the forum,

Probably some plug-in is crashing. From the screenshot, I would expect, it’s Arturia Analog Lab 4.

Attach the Cubase DMP files, please, so we can inspect them.

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Thanks Martin,

Like I said, it exceed 4MB, So I upload it by google drive.

The latest Cubase crash file:
The analog crash file(it might not be the case because it is created at yesterday):


I don’t have an access to the files. Could you please change the permission so that everyone with the link has the access?

oh my fault, I just changed the permission, pls try again


Reported to Steinberg. Thank you.

As the Analog Lab appeared and as there is another user reporting crash with an Artirua plug-in here, I would guess, the crash comes from Arturia and you should get in touch with their support.

Thank you. However, the issue still happened even if I had uninstalled the analog lab 4.

To give the developer more details, here is how I reproduce the crash file:

  1. create an empty project,
  2. open the VST plugins manager,
  3. click the scanning button,
  4. wait around 2s, then it crashed

This is the crash file with analog lab 4 uninstalled: Cubase14.exe.19888.dmp - Google Drive

same thing happen when I enable VST 2 plugins because it will do a auto-scanning when enabling VST 2. So I will never be able to enable VST 2 plugins.

Hi, I used windDBG to attatch the cubase14 process and get some info,hope it will help you to find out the reason:

translation: unspecified error

Please get in touch with Arturia support and share all of this information with them.

I said I had uninstalled the analog lab 4 and I still have the same issue.
The analog lab 4 crash dump file was already here before I got this scanning issue.
The Cubase dump file doesn’t mention any analog lab or Arturia plugins.

Based on that, I think it’s not related to Arturia. Pls focus on this issue.

Today I uninstalled all the plugins and even the Cubase application itself.
Then I installed a cubase14 singleton. This issue still exists.

It’s highly probable an issue with the Cubase software itself.

It would help if you could attach the .dmp file.

Thank you mlib,

Sure, here is the dmp file: Cubase14.exe.25088.dmp - Google Drive

It could also be an issue with your Windows machine.

@Martin.Jirsak @mlib @Jonah_Walton
I create a ticket on Microsoft side.

In the meantime, could you pls give a workaround to enable the VST2? In the initialization phase, the plugins can be scanned correctly. So as long as I don’t scan it manually it won’t be an issue. But this issue are prevent me enabling VST2 because it will do an auto-scanning when I enable it.

Any idea to enable it without scanning?


In the Studio > VST Plug-in Manager, you can enable VST2 plug-ins.

Hi @Martin.Jirsak
As I said, I can’t enable it because Cubase will do an instant auto-scanning when I enable it, and if it scan, it will crash.


You can remove all VST2 plug-ins from the scanned folder. Then you can start Cubase and enable VST2 scanning. Then you can put the plug-in (one by one, or use the binary search method) back and re-scan, to see, which plug-in makes Cubase crash.