Cubase 14 dropouts

I’ve been runnign C14 since release everyday and I can say it’s been rock solid here on both a AMD 7950x and recently the 9950x . Running windows 11 24H2 and an RME UFXIII . ASUS P670- 64BG DDR5-NVMe drives. I run Avid S3 and Avid dock (Eucon) and various Midi devices.

I’ve not had a single crash in months.


Same here:
no dropout or crash problems in normal Cubase use with either C13 pro nor C14pro since many months. I only get dropouts with some new extremely CPU-hungry plugins - whenever I need too many instances of these, I just freeze some of their tracks.

Win 11 latest, 3 year old AMD 5900X, Gigabyte B550 Vision D Mainboard with Thunderbolt, UAD Apollo 6 Gen. 2 Thunderbolt Card (MOTU 828ES before).

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