Cubase 14 graphics issues

Hi everyne, I have some issues with the graphics of the tracks in Cubase 14:

  • The icons of each track appear in dark color/black, which is hard to see on dark track colors in the background (blue circle). Can I change that?
  • When engaging an EQ or insert-effect for example, I can see that on the track shown as a blue colored icon (green circle), but only for the main channel. I cannot see that on additional outputs for this vst-instrument (red circle). Is this an error?

Is this a cubase problem or some thing with my computer?

Thanks in advance!

It turns light grey when you set the color of the track really dark. Try an RGB value of 55,55,55.

That looks like a bug to me, and indeed there are a couple of others (sends are missing, wrong tooltip).

Hello Johnny and thanks for you help!

Well, this would make sense, but it doesn’t work like that:

All the tracks have dark icons, no matter which color I use …

Oh, surprising. Works on my side.

Hello everyone, there is a problem with graphics in the Cubase 14 program, delays appeared in the package when using the zoom function (80 or more).

It is impossible to work :frowning:

Windows 10, Intel Core i9 processor, GeForce RTX 2060 graphics card, 34-inch HUAWEI Mate View GT ZQE monitor with 4k resolution

Has anyone encountered anything like this, what could be the matter?