C14 UI is really aweful, I had to ignore all the cool new features and go back to 13. I hate the dark window toolbar. Also doesn’t make sense that preferences is till in light ui theme .
Agreed.! And boy I really love what you’ve done here - seems a solid ‘push forward’ into a new Cubase UI evolution.
I would like to see a more pronounced ‘selected track’ (highlight). Also how this is with some whole channels (subtly) ‘coloured’ as per the tracks… I use yellow-ish for all Drums, a green-ish for guitars, orange-ish for vox, etc… Now, could you add some plugin entries in the Inserts and some Sends too for good measure.?
At a push, the fonts could all do with a minor increase in size, though everything is actually readable. Also need to see how these would ‘scale’ when zoomed in or out (horizontally).
Begs seeing more of this taken on throughout the app - Toolbars, Control Room, Inspector, Editors/Dialog windows etc, etc…
I see your efforts are getting the votes in here too… Nice…!
I paid for two versions now that I don’t use. I still use C12 and will until it doesn’t work. No more paying for upgrades until I see here that we think its great. I’m using Pro Tools more and more.
I would prefer a more “active” track colouring myself.
Cubase 12
Question: Will this thread make any difference? I’m soooooo unhappy with the GUI of Cubase 14. I have been using Cubase since the 90s. It’s my favorite DAW software. Does anyone know if they’re listening to us, or working on anything related to improving the totally fine GUI they nuked in C13 and now again in C14 for no good reason?
500 posts arguing taste? Sure. It’ll make all the difference.
Well, believe it or not its a serious question! I’m just so sad they’re dismantling this DAW’s GUI. It was fine! I hope someone listens… I wonder sometimes if Cubase got a bunch of young hot shots into the office and thought they knew better than the past 35 years of people who designed and maintained it… Just so annoying how bad it looks and hard it is to use now cause of the GUI. I hate it! I like modern looking GUI’s but this thread highlights all the shortcomings of what they attempted to do perfectly. I hope they read it.
Well this thread certainly has been noticed (Cubase 14 GUI design regressions - #124 by Ed_Doll), and I have also got a similar reply from the support call I have opened describing (like here) the objective shortcomings of the current UI especially regarding legibility. But of course they won’t commit to anything publicly, and there is no guarantee of course that anything will change for the better.
You could of course also open a direct support ticket with Steinberg and point out the issues you have with the current UI/UX. I would suggest to not mention anything that is personal taste (because that is not what it is about) but only concrete problems regarding e.g. legibility (too small fonts at higher screen resolutions), lack of contrast/separation, too tiny UI controls and similar.
History indicates, no.