Cubase 14 Misc Requests

I like C14 but here are more requests, 3rd post today :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


  • add menu option to delete tracks
  • since there is horizontal space at the top of the mixer, I would love to see simple icons to show/hide track types, eg an IO icon to show/hide ins and outs, FX, GP, CR, etc… there is space for it and I’d use it all the time rather than use the dropdown menu


  • ability to select multiple parameters from automation lane More menu with ctrl click to speed up creating multiple animation lanes at once


  • shimmer seems to have a predelay? audible with reverb at zero, but cannot seem to tweak

  • shimmer intensity adjusts the whole shimmer intensity but it would be really nice to have a way to control the intensity/volume of the pitched signal alone

  • studio delay has a high cpu cost, would be nice to be able to disable the effects to save on cpu maybe, or optimize

  • need ability to change plugin names to control their default name to avoid lengthy plugin names (long time request!)

  • have an option to hear the variaudio notes THROUGH the actual track inserts and or sends, not just the raw audio, this is an issue especially for guitar where the raw audio might be fairly quiet and widely different sounding from the processed track with amp emulation