Cubase 14 - No VST3 Instruments showing in Plugin Manager

There are no VST3 instruments showing in Plugin Manager. Not a single one. Not even the native Steinberg ones. I have

reinstalled Cubase 14 (4 times)
reinstalled the 3rd party plugins (into Program Files\Common Files\VST3 as normal) (2 times)
Rescanned 9 times.
Without the VST2 option ticked, the VST Instruments window is completely empty.

can you provide more information, please?

Does that mean, VST2 instruments are listed if you check this option in the Plugin Manager?
OS? Upgraded from? Cubase version? Old version deinstalled? Blacklist?

Resolved. I had followed advice from someone on a Users group to set up Standard user. That broke it.
I simply added Cubase 14 itself to Run as Administrator, and now it can access the directories like Common Files etc. That’s all it was.
Thank you for your attention.

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Thanks for sharing the solution, appreciated!

Solution for Mac users: Try opening Cubase in Roestta. Right click on Cubase 14 in application, select GET INFO and there, tick ‘open in rosetta’. This worked for me,