Cubase 14 (Apple silicon M4) crashes during the end of the export when I export a Group track with several Sforzando instruments. It is a project that for the most part consists of Sforzando tracks. The project is created in Cubase 11, on Windows 11 and newly saved on Mac. I exported a couple of Group tracks, each with several Sforzando tracks attached.
I tried to do a quick test project where there were 4 tracks of sforzando and the export worked without crashing. I don’t know if it’s related to the project from Cubase 11, or if it’s just the Sforzando that’s the problem.
I ran it down to the individual notes, and there is a limit to how I delete the notes, that I come across a border note, which if I delete, the export no longer falls.
Btw Cubase 14 export works fine in W11…
Sequoia OS,
Mac Mini M4
24 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD.