Cubase 14 on Apple silicon crashed in the end of an export (Sforzando tracks)

Cubase 14 (Apple silicon M4) crashes during the end of the export when I export a Group track with several Sforzando instruments. It is a project that for the most part consists of Sforzando tracks. The project is created in Cubase 11, on Windows 11 and newly saved on Mac. I exported a couple of Group tracks, each with several Sforzando tracks attached.

I tried to do a quick test project where there were 4 tracks of sforzando and the export worked without crashing. I don’t know if it’s related to the project from Cubase 11, or if it’s just the Sforzando that’s the problem.

I ran it down to the individual notes, and there is a limit to how I delete the notes, that I come across a border note, which if I delete, the export no longer falls.

Btw Cubase 14 export works fine in W11…

Sequoia OS,
Mac Mini M4
24 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD.

here is C14 Apple crash report:

Please send this crashlog to the developers of sforzando as it crashes inside their code.

Good. However, here is a crash report from a situation where Cubase 14 crashed while trying to freeze a track with the MT Powerdrum kit plugin. So the process is very similar to the problem with exports elsewhere: Cubase started creating a wav duplicate of the track, and the export went through to the end, and at the very end, Cubase crashed. This was definitely not about using Sforzando, rather it looks like a similar situation and falling for the same problem (Wav/aiff is created and it “stumbles” at the end)…


This crashlog points again to Sforzando. I’m afraid, but only the developers of it can tell you why it’s crashing.