I have a problem! I can not record audio files in Cubase 14 pro. But when I do it in Cubase 13 pro, on the same computer, with the same settings it works fine.
I created a support ticket to Steinberg support 19 days ago, but still no response. How does the support work with Steinberg and cubase. I am dissapointed and frustrated over the silence from Steinbergs support. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the program but still don’t record audio. It does not matter from where the audio signal is coming, keyboard, microphone or guitar. I run the program on an Mac mini M2 pro. What shall I do? Go back to Logic Pro?
Make sure Cubase has enabled Mic in the System Preferences, please.
Open macOS System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Microphone. Enable Cubase here.
Wow! How simple it can be, when you know where to look.
Cubase 13 was activated, Cubase 14 not so.
Thank You so very much for solving my issue.
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