Cubase 14 Pro score editor issues


I was wondering if anybody is having problems with the score editor. I am using windows 10 and I am on the trial version of Cubase which expires tomorrow
some issues I have are

  1. Sometimes the step editor will work and then it will stop working. If I shutdown and restart Cubase , its working again.
  2. I would be entering notes in step edit mode, and then suddenly tracks will disappear and I cannot get them back again. If I restart Cubase everything is fine.
  3. When I use the tuplet tool, everything goes wrong, nothing will enter correctly. Once again, I have to restart.
    Thanks for your help

I’ve have never used the step input in the score editor until now. I started by entering notes, one at a time, and ended up with this:

The first notes entered are at the end… so the playback was in reverse!

I then deleted it all and tried again… same thing. But third time seemed to work. I would guess I’m doing something wrong or there’s an issue…

Hi BobUpstairs,

I have had this happen to me also and nothing seems to be consistent.


I know they are working on fixing the issues (which there are many). I’m confident they will work them out, but maybe then bit off more than they could chew.