Cubase 14 Pro. When dragging tracks to the bottom, they disappear

In Cubase 14 Pro when I drag some tracks to the lowest position below all other tracks, the track would disappear.

For example. If I try to drag those two Harp tracks to the bottom, below the Zebra track.

It’s gone. Disappear.

I do this constantly while using Cubase 12 and 13, never experienced this.

Doesn’t happen, here (C14 Pro trial). Actually, there are two cases, when I move two given tracks to the very bottom of the tracklist :

  • If these tracks are disabled, then dragging them is useless : the tracks stay at their initial position after releasing the left mouse button.
  • If these tracks are enabled, they are correctly moved to the bottom of the list.

I would try to relaunch Cubase, eventually in safe mode , using the Disable program preferences option.

EDIT / CORRECTION - What I stated above seems to be true only for MIDI tracks : when doing the same thing, either with instrument or audio tracks, they are correctly moved to the bottom, no matter if they are disabled or not. Strange…
Maybe you could also check what happens in the Track > Visibility panel.

I can’t replicate it but I’m on Mac so it may not be a bug here. I did the same structure as in your picture.

Did you check if those tracks are not now in another folder, like Strings in your example? Apparently, there’s a mess with folders when people are moving tracks in the Mixer. Maybe it’s related.

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It is a template I made with Cubase 12 and I drag tracks, to the bottom all the time. Activated or inactivated, from inside or outside folders, with or without folders, etc. It never happens on C12 and C13, but constantly on C14.

The move usually succeeds if the mouse pointer is around the right target area when dragging. If it moved very far down beyond the point I wanted, although the bright green line still shows the track’s expected position, they would disappear.

I think it’s a bug because there’s no reason it should behave differently with C12 and C13.

I’m on an MAC OS venture, with an Intel Xeon CPU.

I ran into this same issue. It made me think I was going crazy. I’m on Windows 10. I’ve been using the same template (though modified periodically) for years. Maybe since Cubase 10? 11?

I made a test audio track. I tried to move it to the bottom and it ended up going in a folder (in my case a folder with output channels for maschine). I though it disappeared, but was able to use search to find it.

I haven’t had a chance to try again, but I can at least confirm I’ve seen the same behavior.

Can you use the track search in order to see if the tracks are elsehwere (rather than deleted)? Please also consider to check the visibility tab if the tracks have been made ‘hidden’.
Let us know your results, please.

Turned out it was thrown into a random folder and was folded.

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Yeah annoying