Cubase 14 Retrospective Record and Score Editor Issue

Hi, I’m new to this forum and fairly new to Cubase. Need help with this issue…
First off, I use notation for visualizing and editing about the same as the piano roll editor. I played some cool ideas for about 5 minutes and then hit Insert Retrospective Recording. That works great and caught some nice ideas that I want to comp and create a new composition.

When I view in the Score Editor, the first 20 bars or so look OK. Everyting after it, all I see are whole and 1/8th note triplet rest in the G clef staff and whole note rests in the Bass cleff staff. If I move a note in the Piano Roll Editor, a few bars appear. If I repeat this later on, the previous notes return to rests, etc.

Am I missing something or discovered a but???

Can you attach a cut-down version of the project that shows the problem?