Cubase 14 score editor automatic articulkations and keyswitches

Hi there,
there is a problem when using manual keyswitches (without an expression map; those that are displayed as “regular” events in the key editor) in the score editor and the generation of automatic articulations (which is a very nice feature, by the way): even though I restricted the visible notes in the score in the instrument setup, those notes will still be taken into account for generating the automatic articulations (e.g. legato slurs, staccato dots etc.). It would make sense to me if notes outside the set instrument range would be ignored alltogether. I believe that grace note recognition is affected as well.

Hi Claudius,

I’m not quite sure what you mean. Could you please attach a sample project that shows this problem?


Here are 3 screenshots (in separate posts due to insert limitations…)

Here the data in the key editor; the A-1 and C0 are filtered in the instrument setup:

And here the data in the score editor:

The first 3 notes should be slured, but are not, and a “ghost” slur appears on the b, where there should be none.

when I delete the two keyswitch notes, the score is correct:

Thanks for reporting, Claudius, I’ll log this.

By the way, the same applies for setting note length, and possibly more automatically generated functions.

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Did you try to set it to another voice or another channel?