Cubase 14 Score enharmonic spelling missing, system line layout very poor

I can not find the following functions in 14, which were available since Version 5 in score editor:
enharmonic spelling - can not be changed, neither with a menu function , not with a key combi as described in Dorico help
lines (systems) can not be moved vertically as it was possible before by dragging with mouse. I cannot find any setting for it
This is really nasty.
Question: can I use V13 with the license for V14?

Hi Christian,

we’re working on adding the functionality to change the spelling of notes after entering. For now, this is only possible by setting the accidental via the note toolbar before entering notes with the pencil tool or stepinput.

Staves can’t be dragged directly in the new Score Editor. The various Layout Settings should enable you to get to a nice score without manually tweaking every individual system. If you show specific examples (ideally with a small project file), maybe we can suggest a few specific settings to tweak.

You can use Cubase 13 with your Cubase 14 License in the meantime, if you prefer to use the old Score Editor.

Hi Stefan,
here a project example and the best possible result for me.
In many cases at least I am up on ‘score sketches’ more than a perfect score. This is to avoid frequent page turning and get overview on the thing you want to play.
Therefor the mssing free line adjustments in Cubase 14 are really disturbing to me.
I tried to get around after midi editing in C14 (really improved to C13), then exported an finished in Dorico SE. but clearly missing the ‘free formatting’, which is ok for Dorico’s other scope…
By the way: I am using the pdfs in VST Live - therefore the odd format requests
Cantina Band Score.cpr (461,8 KB)
Cantina Band Score Dorico A3.pdf (615,7 KB)

Thanks for your reply!
regards Christian