Cubase 14 - show tied notes as one longer note?

I just downloaded the trial of Cubase 14 Pro and am trying to assess the new Score editor. I am not able though to consolidate tied notes into a larger note length. On the pictures you can see that in Cubase 13 with the “Full” value for the “Syncopation” option it is possible to force the middle two quarter notes in the given bar to be shown as one one half note. I am not able to find a similar setting in Cubase 14. Has anyone found it and is it possible at all? I hope we are not forced to go to Dorico for that, because it would be a downgrade from Cubase 13.

The new Score Editor does indeed behave exactly like Dorico with the default Notation Options.
Furthermore, Dorico (aside from detailed Notation Options) allows you to override individual grouping of tied notes by overriding with “Force Duration”, which is not available in the Cubase Score Editor.

Thank you for replying! So, the short answer seems to be: “currently it is not possible to group notes”? In that case is there any plan to include the advanced notation options from Dorico in the upcoming updates, or at least the “Force Duration” option? Without this I would consider the new version a downgrade from 13, since there it was possible to group tied notes.

We are considering bringing a subset of notation options into the Score Editor at a future point, but for now, if you absolutely require further control over how certain notes are grouped, then you should consider continuing the work on this project in Dorico.

I think he’s working in C13 currently @StefanFuhrmann … He’s trialling C14 new score editor ‘workflow/features’ to find the value in updating…


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