Cubase 14 Vocoder still useless

…any chance to know, when it will be fixed?
Monophonic play is (since Cubase 13!) not possible.
Notes keep on playing, no matter if you release the key or not.
For everyone, who updated Cubase because of the onboard Vocoder, this is
an insult.

Shouldn’t you tag this forum topic as issue then?

Yes. An issue. There’s a discussion here with a suggestion to NOT use its built-in synth. I haven’t tried it yet.

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Thanks Kelp,
it just makes me wonder, how none of the YouTube testers and content creators, who had praised the New Vocoder, stumbled across that problem.
And how Steinberg can continue to ignore it. They add a flashy new plugin to justify an upgrade to Cubase 13 and in Cubase 14 that plugin still (!) needs a workaround to do what it’s supposed to do…
How hard can it be, to fix that?