Cubase 5: rendering MIDI to audio

I have a MIDI track with, let’s say, half a dozen different violin parts throughout the course of a song. I want to record them as audio, but there’s enough time between the parts that it doesn’t really justify just recording them all as one long part with big gaps in it. If I select the first part and export it as audio, that’s fine, it opens an audio track and does the export - no problem. If I then select the second part and do the same, it opens another audio track, and so on until I’ve got six new audio tracks each with one violin part in them. Obviously I can move all of the audio parts to the same track and get rid of the others, but don’t I remember from somewhere that there’s a way of telling Cubase which audio track you want to export to ( so that it only opens a new audio track if you haven’t told it anything different )?


In Cubase 14, you could use Render in Place, for example. You could also export Cycle Marker areas.

Sorry, I don’t know, how to do this in very old Cubase 5.