Cubase 6 Export Mixdown

Thanks Steinberg for the Export/Mixdown feature which exports directly into Wavelab 7. I love it. Good job. :smiley:


Very useful feature.

How exactly do you get your mixdown imported directly into Wavelab? Does it work with Wavelab 6? I do not see any option anywhere in the mixdown preference screen options to import the mixdown into Wavelab once done.

No. v7.0.1 or later is required.

Here’s the info from the FAQ sticky at the top of this forum page (my highlights below) :-

Cubase 6 | Cubase Artist 6
Export Audio Mixdown > Post Process > Open in WaveLab: You may notice an additional “Post Process” area in the Export Audio Mixdown window of Cubase 6. By selecting “Open in WaveLab” any finished audio export automatically starts WaveLab and imports the exported audio files from Cubase 6. This feature is available as soon as WaveLab 7.0.1 or higher has been installed on the system.

Thank you kindly for this info. Too bad it doesn’t work on anything prior to 7.0.1.

Maybe one day we can use it on audio tracks and not need to render.