Cubase 6 hanging on OSX 10.6

I had this issue very few times in the paste …now frequently c6 hang up and the mouse icon start to be busy (classic cd disk spinning)

Note: i have the raid pro card installed in my mac pro,

Could be this the problem?

Why in logic and i dont have such hangs?

Would a clean install resolve this problem? How to do it? I dont want to reinstall my plugins, so how to move for a good reinstall?


I’m also running Cubase 6 under 10.6 (10.6.8)
I don’t have the raid card though.
The only time I’ve had problems with Cubase is if I use the Studio DEvil VGA.
Other than that Cubase has been rock solid for me- as has Logic 9.

I solved the problem, i had to delete all the preferences (Cubase 6 folder) …after a safe backup :slight_smile:

Now i don’t have any lag …hope so…till now is ok :slight_smile: