Cubase 8.5 fuill installer for Windows, custom paths broken

I want to report that there seems to be a problem with the Windows full installer for Cubase Pro 8.5. If you want to install all content in a dedicated drive, it seems whatever you specify in either the paths for Padshop, Groove Agent SE, Rock Pop Toolbox, Midi loops, Components, Content, will remain a fixed option by the installer to any of them. The installer only allows to have individual paths for Groove Agent SE Acoustic Agent, and Halion Sonic SE.
So the problem is that I can’t try to mimic the default folder structure, by just removing the begining and leaving D:\Steinberg\Content\xxxxx.

For example, I want to make D:\Steinberg\Content\Padshop Pro\VST Sound the path for Padshop in my D drive, as close to the default as posible.
Then next path is Groove Agent SE Rock Pop Toolbox Drums. Editing the default path to my D drive, but respecting the default structure would ideally be D:\Steinberg\Content\VST Sound, but If I try to edit it as such, and then go back to check the path for Padshop, now the installer ignores the path that I previously set for Padshop and use this last one. Same happens for the content paths that I mentioned before. Whatever I set on any of them, will be replicated in the installer for the rest of them. The exception is Halion Sonic SE and Groove Agent SE.
Whatever configuration other than the default paths, will bring me problems afterwards, being that Groove Agent does not show the acoustic agent, or the percussion agent. Please fix these installer problems, it worked fine with v8’s…