Cubase 9.5 project close problem

I know this problem. I wrote a little programm to kill cubase everytime this happens.

Open Notepad and write:

taskkill /F /IM Cubase9.5.exe /T
taskkill /F /IM Cubase9.exe /T
taskkill /F /IM Cubase8.5.exe /T

Cubase 9 and 8.5 are optional. Just wanted to show you how it works with more than one cubase versiosn. You can kill every .exe program you like.

Now save the file with the ending .bat something like “Kill Cubase**.bat**” Now you can create a shortcut to the desktop if you like. If you want to put the shortcut on the windows taskbar you have to change one little thing. Open the settings for the shortcut and write in the Target: tab %windir%\explorer.exe[SPACE] before your initial target. Also delet the " before and at the end of your initial target. so it looks like:
Target: %windir%\explorer.exe D:.…\Kill Cubase.cmd
After that you are able to put the shortcut on your taskbar. You can also change the symbol if you like.

I know this isn’t the best solution but Cubase gets stuck almost everytime I close it. With this solution I don’t have to open the taskmanager everytime. I just click one Icon :slight_smile:

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