Cubase 9 (Mac) - Tabbed UI Tip

I was updating my Cubase 9 workspaces today and accidentally opened my Project window and MixConsole in tabs.

After trying out a few combinations, I discovered that holding down Alt while opening the MixConsole(s) (and other devices such as the Pool) via the main menu consolidates the project window and opens a new tab.

You can cycle through tabs using cmd + shift + [ or ]

Additionally a new option ‘Close Tab’ appears in the File menu.

I’m on MacOS 10.12.3, I gather it’s a new feature in Sierra, it may be useful for those on single screens.

that’s a great tip! However, it doesn’t work on my Yosemite, sadly.

It doesn’t save the tabbed window configuration on save either, so it’s really only useful as an ad-hoc workflow at this point.

That’s cool. Thanks for sharing. I don’t suppose you know why I can’t go proper full screen on Mac with Cubase? Seems so strange that they don’t program it to do this like every other program I have.

This is a really interesting find - very useful!

There’s some very strange behaviour associated with it though - almost as if its happened by accident not by design!.

You can open the Pool and the Mini Media Browser, but not the Mediabay, Loop or Sound browsers!

Opening some windows as a tab causes the complete application and its tabs to resize itself somewhere randomly on the screen!

Neither are big issues to deal with compared to the added functionality it gives you. Would be nice for Steinberg to implement this properly across the board though…

Hi - I can’t get separate windows to open as tabs, I’m on MacOS - I’m holding Opt/Alt key while clicking on the MixConsole button in the toolbar, but it does not cause it to open a tab. What have I missed?

Hi - I can’t get separate windows to open as tabs, I’m on MacOS - I’m holding Opt/Alt key while clicking on the MixConsole button in the toolbar, but it does not cause it to open a tab. What have I missed?

I’m not at my computer right now, but IIRC the MixConsole needs to be opened from the drop down menu, rather than the button.

Thank you Jon. I’ve come across some of your articles, very helpful.

What is meant by IIRC? Are we still talking about the regular MixConsole… I will try from the drop down menu but I’m pretty sure I did try that and it also opened as a separate window :confused:

Hey Zooterman,

Glad you’ve enjoyed my articles!

I’ve just checked and it no longer works, so they must have changed something in the recent update.

IIRC means ‘If I remember correctly’.

Damn,… Ok. Thanks!
Great articles indeed :slight_smile:

Damn - I missed this thread the first time around but I’d love to see that feature back!