Hi there, my computer is having some difficulty’s and I am probably just going to do a system restore, but however I don’t know whether this will allow me to re-install Cubase on my PC when I’ve done it (CD) and if it would use the code I had previously, with eLicesncer or not.
Go to your My Steinberg account and there is a button marked Reactivate or somethink like that. Follow the instructions. I think you will need to have your old activation code.
I think you install first using your CD then go to My Steinberg to Reactivate.
Thanks for your reply, i’ll check it out before I system restore thanks.
Where is MySteinberg account located though, is it in eLicencer?
As long as you registered your previous SEL that contains the license all you will need to do is enter your new SEL to reactivate.
Thank you