So I am about to set all this up but I saw a video where they said that you can have 16 pages so 128 buttons and 128 dials so to use them all they set it to midi channel 15/16 which is fine but they also said it wouldn’t mess with midi cc1 and other default things.
But if your vst midi channels are set to listen to all channels then does that mean that the cc1 on channel 16 would still interfere with mod wheel. Do you have to set the vst to listen only to channel 1 and cubase can then see channel 15/16 bypassing the vst?
for some reason it seems the remote editor has just stuck to some random defaults evern though in the picture you can see that I have deleted all assignments! I set the parameter 1 to filter cut but in the remote editor it is velocity!
This is a known issue in latest Cubase versions, as far as I can see.
If you plan to heavily remap plugins and have your remote auto-updated (just for previewing purposes, because otherwise, upon restarting Cubase, the correct mappings will be shown), I would suggest doing it from within CB12.0.70.
ok thanks for that yeah its working actually afet a hour or so without a restart. I might use CB12 like you say thats a good way to bypass the issue. But where does it save this MIDI remote info as I’ll need to copy it to CB14?
They’re under yourDocumentsFolder\Steinberg\Cubase\MIDI Remote. You’ll see two folders, Driver Scripts and User Settings. In Driver Scripts (the Local subdirectory) we have our midi remotes. However, the mappings for them when done using the mapping assistant, are stored in separate files (json format again) inside the User Settings folder.
I’ve been using CB12 now but this stuff is really broken, it just doesn’t work!
Is there anything wrong with how I set this up:
1 - on Mk3 set the dials etc to type cc, channel 1, mode -relative
I set buttons 1-8 start at cc127 - 120, then dials 119 -112 (1st page)
2 - cubase set button 1 (cc 127) to parameter 1, set button 2 (cc 126) to parameter 2, dial 1 is paramete 8 (cc 119), etc…
In the remote editor it I touch any of the dials/buttons I can see them moving, as expected although sometimes it lags up like crazy! Even in an empty project.
I thought that parameter 1 means that it is always the 1st grey box in the plugin remote editor window, and param 2 in the 2nd box - Is this how it is supposed to work? If it was then there would be no need for midi learn on this window?
Anyway in the synths I’ve tried it just screws up so I tried Padshop 2 a Steinberg product and it has 1 line of 8 controls that match with actually parameter 9-16 as the buttons were param 1-8 so that must NOT be a thing, there seems to be no coprrelation between parameter numbers and boxes in the plugin remote editor window.
But if I add a new line of 8 boxes and put a new synth setting in there the midi learn function does not recognise any of the other dials on the MK3 except the 1st row (of dials param 8-16) which work by default.
So it seems like you are saying that parameters 1-8 should always be mapped the the 1st row of 8 boxes and so forth, that is not what is happening as params 1-8 are buttons.
So I’ve uploaded a video of the behaviour: (i had previously setup 96 params but have reduced it to 16 for simplicity - also added the next row of dials) you will see at first the dials (params 8-16) work on the single row of 8 boxes in the plugin remote editor window.
Then I add another row and select a new plugin parameters and …
I uploaded a video to show. the 4k may not be ready but the 1440p is done.
I see many strange things. For example, same CC (maybe) moving different elements. This is not to be expected using the assistant way of creating controls, since it will not allow the same midi CC for different elements. Did you script instead?
they are all separate midi cc’s and you can see at the start that 1st row of buttons, 1st and 2nd row of dials have been mapped to individual params. but cubase treats it all the same for some reason!
In the mean time, perhaps you could try using a script I’ve just prepared mimicking your ccs assignments. Just before installing it, temporarily disable yours, in order for it to gain access to the correct midi ports.
Well I tried yours and yeah its great but I think there is something wrong with padshop 2 because it just has 1 line and it spams it all down the list like it did with mine. But now if I use the synths that didnt work before it all seems to be working now using your script, I think it will still work with mine but now I know that cubase turns of the midi cc to the instrument I don’t mind starting at 1 using your script). I think it resolved itself trying that!
I’ve just checked it. Indeed it exposes 8 parameters only, and then repeats them. However, when we add a second row for example, and add another parameter, this second row is now properly seen. However, again we still have repeated rows. It looks like the MIDI Remote API is rounding the available parameters size per row and tries to recreate them accordingly.
Here’s a screenshot from here, when we add a second row with just one added parameter:
I’ll be making a feature request to NI asking if they can simply have the mk3 read the parameter names and so they change with the focus, so I can see more than just a cc#. I know I can change it to words but using different synths with different amount of filters you can’t really name them.
Sure though I wouldn’t hold my breath on this one and for quite a logical reason: NI already has its own way of treating VSTs, aka their NKS implementation
What IS doable however, is to gain access to the DAW ports, by disabling NI’s own DAW integration, and then instrument/parameters/values can be reflected to our screen. I’ve done this for the MK2, but I don’t have an MK3 to test/fine tune the script: