Now that horizontal scrolling (or expansion) of the Inspector Pane is possible, to be able to edit tempo step/ramp via a single click, in both the Inspector and a future “Data Inspector”. would be very helpful as one would not need to find the tempo point in a given project and edit it via the InfoLine.
Editing (or deleting) of Bezier curves for automation and tempo nodes, would also be equally helpful.
Note Off information should be editable via a future Data Inspector, as should the MIDI channel for all MIDI events, including bulk changing of data where values are not initially equal, both for columnar data and selections.
Also, where a data node is selected, playback should be able to be initiated from that point, as well as ranges selected for playback.
One other thing which I think is important as well, the Key Signature of a given track for the first measure should be able to be edited as MIDI data and not as an Inspector parameter.
We use Cubase, Nuendo and Pro Tools here, but I’ve heard from friends who use Logic Pro that the list editor is fairly comprehensive and includes markers, tempo, signature and automation.
I won’t post a link to Logic pages here but have a look for yourself and you’ll see what I mean.
I imagine a new “Data Inspector”, would need as previously stated, access to score elements, as well as track data and automation, among other things including Bezier curves, step/ramp for Tempo, and Chord Track data.
I tried to have Key Signature changes at bar but they are supplanted by what is entered into the score at the initial bar and thus have no effect so a true Object-Oriented Environment, would have all data editable in a list, since even Key Signature changes occurring in the initial bar cannot be edited in and of themselves.
It’s truly great that SB are allowing more diverse ways to edit data but a centralized view, with editing functions akin to what exists in the editors themselves would in my view, truly set the software apart.
Argh, I just spent 40 minutes looking for the Project Browser and wondering why it wasn’t listed under Key Commands etc, only to come here and discover it’s not in C13! Bad move Steinberg; put it back please. I’ve been using it since ‘day 1’ and have found it to be invaluable. Thank you.
Steinberg has been clear in the Cubase 13 release notes that Project Browser is end-of-life and has been discontinued. The current design, which was intended as a debugging tool but gained a place in many users’ workflows, was unmaintainable and, by the sound of it, was holding back modernisation elsewhere in the applications. Steinberg has decided to focus available development efforts elsewhere for now.
In short, the Project Browser is dead, cannot be revived in its current form and there are no current plans to replace it. If the loss of Project Browser is a deal-breaker for you, stick to version 12.
The Project Browser has gained a place in users’ workflows because of the fact that it deals with many types of data, within a single interface.
Workflows that use hardware for automation, for example may not require such a means of editing, as nodes are not required to be quantized but for workflows that require automation data to be quantised to Musical Mode, discontinuation of the Project Browser, is a real workflow killer…
I’ve also found that the Project Browser allows for accurate editing of values that are unable to be zeroed, in the List Editor such as beats or notes that have fixed lengths, but which are altered on moving or copying of events in the project page.
Basically, without the Project Browser users will be stuck having to shift notes one way or the other to get them to line up on a 0 beat or re-enter them from scratch, same goes for automation nodes.
Not being able to easily adjust tempo, automation and note information, as per a list is, why I am having to consider my options in relation to how and when I will upgrade, since for me N12 has some performance issues that may be fixed in an existing or later version.
Basically, I will first need to make sure that all of my projects have both tempo and automation points, as well as drum hits, on a zero tick so projects are able to run as smoothly as possible but of course audio plays the greatest role (to a lesser extent the GUI) and since using some network enabled VST’s, the situation can become even more unstable.
Am I really in the minority for using the Project Browser daily? It just seems really odd to NOT have it in my daily DAW workflow, and even odder still is the reasoning they gave in the patch notes. Removed because originally for debug development tool purposes? That just seems really off considering other DAWs also have a global list editor. So do the other DAWs simply also have a global list editor for development debug tool purposes? I find that very hard to believe and there’s more to it for what we use global list editors for. And what do you mean for debug purposes, are we talking about development coding back end type of stuff? I’m not buying that explanation and Steinberg needs to explain further and come clean, because like I said, other DAWs also have global list editor, and while it might not be used daily by some, it should be there as an option and seriously hope Steinberg removed it so they can bring it back later somehow with a new UI because I see that they are updating the UI for other things like the key commands just got a new UI update in 13.
It just really seems absurd to not have a global list editor. And why wouldn’t you want a ‘debug’ method/purpose for creative workflow, that is basically what I used it for, or to see things in the big picture and be able to quickly fix things from there. I would use it daily for those type of things. Like to see what tracks are using exactly what things, such as what CC and automation (and to double check that data), to find things that were accidentally set, like imported MIDI files that had MIDI events I didn’t need or were somehow set in another DAW, to fix accidental mistakes from fat fingering something or accidental wheel scrolls. Heck, I even used used it the other day to rename a bunch of project part clips because it was just easier that way to see which tracks were using which project part names that I didn’t want anymore or were outdated, and then I just renamed them all in one swoop instead of going to the project zone and endlessly and repetitively scrolling through all the tracks up and down, left and right.
It’s not used much in a creative sense, but more in a big picture control sense, and I seriously hope Steinberg brings it back somehow cause it just seems really odd and absurd. I’m a new user since Cubase 12 and I was completely happy with Cubase until now. This is the first update that made me go “what the heck?” basically. It just doesn’t make any sense to me.
One thing that I did find, which was buggy in relation to the Project Browser, is if it is open and you switch back to the Project Window, while “All” items are shown, when switching back only their containers are shown.
Over a year later, scanned through all the points of view here, and/but I have a question since even though recently discovered in my Cubase Pro 12 (the last version with the PB), it’s been very useful.
Situation (which happens too often):
I want to redo or adjust an automation lane, such as panning. I select all points, hit delete, and yet… the line does not return to “virgin”. I look in the PB and for some weird reason there are still automation points way, way off the project, like bar 3xxx! No idea how that happens - the project never was that long.
But with PB I can select any remaining points and delete and the automation lane is finally back to virgin.
One reason I have not upgraded to Pro 13 is this PB issue.
What alternatives to the PB is there in v.13 and probably in the upcoming v.14 to do the kind of lane surgery described above?
Put otherwise, how would you fix such an issue without PB?
Please explain in a step-by-step way.
I upgraded to V13, due to the introduction of the Visibility Inspector, in the Key and Drum editors and I can always open a project in V12 but it’s a pain having an older version installed because preferences are copied from a previous version, if you have used the older program previously and did not remove those preference files.
The automation nodes situation you describe can be quite aggravating at times, e.g., even when importing tracks from an existing project, extra, new nodes are created at the beginning and end of the project, which have to be deleted manually by cycling through automation points from beginning to end of the new project, for each and every track, which is something that the Project Browser enabled with little fuss or loss of time.
What I believe needs to happen is, automation nodes should be made available when clicking on an automation lane or sub-track, in the same way tempo nodes are listed when you click on the tempo track in the project page.
I am hopeful the above will happen during the V13 product cycle, since in the latest versions of Steinbergs’ DAW software, there is now a symbol depicting that the automation lane or sub-track, is of the automation type but as there has been no information communicated by anyone working for Steinberg, this cannot be confirmed.
The other situation, is of course Bezier curves were never exposed by the PB, so this would need to be taken into consideration as well