Cubase Artist 8 Crash on opening

Hello. I hope I’m ok to post this here.

I did a search but couldn’t find what I was looking for.

I’m using Cubase Artist 8 with the latest updates to 8.0.35. I mistakenly installed VST Connect Pro along with VST Connect Performer (I should’ve read into it but it’s been a long day…), and now Cubase crashes almost immediately after opening.

I’ve removed Connect Performer but can’t seem to locate Pro which I’m guessing is my issue. I’ve attached the crash report to see if anyone can help further as I’m guessing this is my issue.

Any help would be gratefully appreciated as I’m in the middle of a big project.

Thank you all.

Just to update - I couldn’t copy/paste the crash report as the text was too long. Not sure if there’s a way around that?

Also, I’ve tried locating the folders for Connect and removing them to the trash, but this hasn’t solved the problem either.

I’m really stuck here and quite worried… :confused: