Been working on a project for weeks with no issues. Contains MIDI and AUDIO tracks as normal. Was all ok then a few days ago the entire project just goes out of tune badly across all tracks at random points in the playback, never same point each play. What the heck is going on? My sample and card (focusrite) rates are both 44.1 they have not changed at all. No idea what is causing this but at the moment Cubase is unuseable and I am stuffed. I’ve re-loaded an old project and the issue does not seem to be there. HELP
What exactly do you mean “goes out of tune”? is the whole song pitched higher or lower? Is it always the same amount?
I wonder if it could be some plugin you used, e.g. on the main out, that somehow suddenly things that the sample rate has changed. Or maybe that it has lost its license, although I’ve never encountered a plugin that does that, some mute the output when they think they are unlicensed, but pitch change would be weird.
Still, if it is just with that one project, I’d check for a wonky plugin-
Hi Fese, it’s the whole song, it all just goes, or rather went, all out of key, I later remembered that my project files were held in One Drive (cloud) so I moved them all onto the hard drive and it seems to be working ok now. Could that have been the cause? Odd if i was because it was ok for weeks until just a few days ago
I spoke too soon, everythings gone wonky again. Its two midi tracks and 4 audio tracks all go “Out” but other audio tracks are unchanged. I realise that I am not providing sufficient info for anyone to provide a fix solution. I am edging on buying Ableton and starting from scratch after several years of cubase experience because this is so demoralising
Tracks can’t in and of themselves go out of tune. MIDI Parts and Audio Events, which sit on Tracks, can have their tuning changed. Can you post a few example screenshots, each one showing: one Selected Part or Event which is going out of tune and also all its settings on the Info Line.
Here is one midi track that was going out before I clicked reset - which still seems to be working so far. I put the tuner on the track and identified that an ‘A’ was pitched inbetween ‘B’ and ‘Bb’. Its now pictched correctly as a ‘A’.
That’s kind of the opposite of what I’m looking for. Take the same shot (no need for the Channel Settings though) with the MIDI Part Selected while that Part is misbehaving, not while it’s working as expected.
A Pitchbend message that got stuck could be a viable explanation to why clicking Reset in the MIDI menu fixed the MIDI tracks. It shouldn’t have any effect on audio tracks unless there was a pitch altering plugin that also receives MIDI involved.
Thanks for the replies/help - I am waiting for the problem to re-occur so that I can send the appropriate screen grabs, hopefully its gone away for good now but the last time I said that . . . .
Haha, don’t jinx it…
Rats, all was looking and sounding OK then boom, two of the audio tracks have gone all out of whack again. Here is a screenshots of an audio track all sounding suddenly “wrong”
I can’t see anything wrong with them? The transpose values are 0?
At least I’ve singled this down to an audio problem not midi - but its only certain tracks others stay ok (fortunately, as most of the rest are recorded vocals and I can’t get the singer back to re-take them)
I’ve tried creating new audio tracks of the problem ones and then copying the audio, but that doesn’t fix it
Unbelievable, now the vocal audio tracks have started to de-tune as well this is a disaster
I can close down cubase and re-open the project and this mostly fixes this issue, for a while at least - but this is not a long term workable solution
So you’re saying the Selected Audio Event on the Track “Kick (mid)” is playing back at the wrong pitch. Are all the other Audio Events on that Track also effected? If you move the Selected Event to a brand new Audio Track does it play correctly?
Is there anything that distinguishes the misbehaving Audio from what’s working as expected - for example they all came from the same library.
Do you recall what you were doing just before the Audio changed?
Hi Raino + others who have kindly responded to my SOS, much apprectiated
I think perhaps there is something more fundemental going, on - I will explain . .
In desperation I decided I’d create a new Project and export/import all the basic tracks with no setting etc
I started with just two, A midi Piano (lounge Lizard) and a midi bass (FluffyAudio/Jazz Bass)
I then muted most of the notes from each to leave just an A note and compared them
Initially one was out of tune with the other and it seemd to rectify itself
However, when I put a tuner on each track, which are both now playing the same note, I can see that they are really both out of tune and neither is playing an actual A they are both around -36 clicks off a Bb note.Is this normal?
I have checked same midi in original project and in there an A is playing an actual A - this is madness